Types of Services
In many areas of law, our law firm provides advocacy services such as execution proceeding and litigation. Our advocacy service includes civil, criminal and administrative cases. At the same time this service includes individual application to the Constitutional Court and European Court of Human Rights. The recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and ex parte proceedings are also parts of our advocacy service.
The aim of our law firm is not only providing advocacy services such as execution proceeding and litigation but also providing legal consultancy service and giving necessary legal advices to the clients in order to prevent potential legal disputes. In this context, in many areas of law, our law firm provides legal consultancy service to a wide range of clients including national and international companies. These are some of the services provided:
• Temporary or permanent legal consultancy to persons and institutions
• Drawing up a contract or analyzing an existing contract
• Expressing legal opinion about a dispute or a case
• Incorporation including joint ventures, consortiums and ordinary partnerships
• Mergers and acquisitions
• Financial consultancy
• Investment consultancy for foreigners
• Work and residential permit applications and transactions for foreigners
Dispute Resolution
As is known litigation is not the only way to resolve a dispute. There are alternative dispute resolution methods. In this context arbitration and mediation are the methods commonly practised. Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution method where the dispute is resolved by an impartial and independent arbitrator or arbitrators and the arbitral award is legally binding for the parties. On the other hand, mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method where the mediator helps the parties to negotiate a settlement. In mediation final solution is reached when the parties have mutual agreement about the solution. Applying for mediation is mandatory for labor and commercial disputes. Besides the scope of mandatory mediation has been extended. In addition to representing our clients in the arbitration and mediation proceedings, providing arbitration and mediation services is one of the activities of our law office.